Monday, September 6, 2010

time to study

  one of the things I've always found a little funny is that God has called me to pastor a church in a city where people to come to get an education and in a country where so much depends on what kind of degree you have. When I moved to Hungary 15 years ago, I planned on going back to California after a year and continue college. Obviously that didn't happen. a few times over the years, I've looked into going back to school but for one reason or another nothing ever came of it. Until now! The spring Calvary Chapel Bible College Europe (here in Hungary) was accredited as a seminary and this fall has begun to offer a 3 year program which will end with a BA in Theology.
  since a desire of mine has been to go back to school and get a degree this opportunity was just too good to pass up. so I've enrolled and am now officially a student at CCBCE ( Lord willing in 3 years, I'll have a BA in Theology which means A LOT to people here in Hungary. One of the first questions I get from people is "what school did you go to?"
  It seems that I will be able to get some credit for "life experience" but that in no way means that there is no work involved in my studies. For the next 3 years I will need to learn to really discipline the way I use my time as there are many lectures I need to listen to, books to read, and reports to write. Being a husband & daddy, the pastor of a church, working part time, and now taking on college classes will be a lot but I believe by the grace of God I will be successful & what means a lot is Odi is very supportive of my wanting to get a degree (since she already has a Masters in English).
 as you know, any school has a price & this is no different. as of right now I don't know what the exact costs will be for me in the end but any extra expense right now is more than we plan for, so if you would prayerfully consider supporting my studies there is a link on the left column of blog where which you may donate funds to us via Calvary Chapel Costa Mesa.
 I'd also greatly appreciate pray for strength that I could do all things well & that I'd be wise in scheduling my time.

